Here are a few things I have been doing to help me out of this funk:
- I have been reading lots of inspiring blogs, here's one called The Secret of Life, Spirituality with a Smile and that has helped.
- It may sound strange but I cleaned my house yesterday and that makes me feel good to have a nice organized home at least for a short time.
- My son's party won't be until the 4th but I am having some friends over to celebrate Andy's and their daughter's birthday too this weekend.

- I spent the morning baking a cake from scratch. It's a great cake and not too sweet. Here is the recipe from Recipes 4
Chocolate Chip Zucchini Cake:
1 1/2 cps Sugar
1/2 cp Margarine or Butter softened
1/4 cp Oil
1 tsp Vanilla
2 Eggs
2 1/2 cps All purpose flour
1/4 cp Unsweetened Cocoa
1 tsp Cinnamon
1 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 cp Buttermilk
2 cps Shredded Zucchini
1/2 to 1 cp Semi sweet chocolate chips
1/2 cp Chopped Nuts
In a bowl, combine sugar, margarine, oil, vanilla, and eggs. Beat well. Add flour, cocoa, baking soda, cinnamon, and buttermilk. Blend well. Fold in chocolate chips and nuts. Pour into pan. Bake until knife comes out clean. Grease pan and bake for 35-40 minutes at 350 degrees.
You can put frosting on it but I just sprinkle powdered sugar on it and it tastes yummy!
- Finally, I am reading a book called The Dalai Lama A Policy of Kindness, An Anthology of Writings by and about the Dalai Lama. It talks about the Tibetan people and the Dalai Lama's struggles, his life, his views, his reverence for all living things . A very fascinating read and very enlightening. I hope to gain much from this great spiritual teacher.
Hiya Palette48 - I'm sorry to hear you're not so bright at the moment. Rest assured, it happens to us all. I'm a Christian, so I tend to go off and read my bible when darkness descends on me. Also, talking to friends and my hubby really helps. It's great that you're doing things to counteract the way you feel. But I know it's not easy.
I love the look of your chocolate cake. The Zuccini is a little unusual. I think we call them Corgettes here in the UK. Am I talking about the same thing? It's a long green vegetable. I'm pretty useless when it comes to baking (my sons will testify to that) but I'm always keen to try out a new recipie. I'll have to give this one a go, particularly as I'm rather partial to a bit of chocolate. I'll let you know if it was successful!!
Catherine x
Hello Palette - Thanks for visiting The Secret Of Life - I'm glad you found it helpful. I hope Andy is feeling better again soon. I take probiotics myself for digestive problems. It does seem likely that the bug has caused the flare-up. I shall keep my fingers crossed for his swift recovery. - Simon
Thanks Catherine,
I'm doing many things to get me through this time, but you're right talking friends and my husband have
helped also.
It sounds like the corgettes may be it, zucchini is a squash so if corgettes belong to that family, then
it probably is the same.
Thanks Simon,
I appreciate it. My son seems to be doing a little better. Hopefully he can go back to school next week.
I enjoyed your site and also the E. Tolle forum.
Hello, me again. I've been thinking (I doesn't happen that often!) and thought I should tell you about two rather good little natural remedies that help me. I get really tired and all my joints then begin to ache which then has the knock on effect of making me feel low. I've found that Sea Kelp really helps with the tiredness and Glucosamine Sulphate eases all the achey joints. The Glucosamine Sulphate was recommended to my husband by his physio. I don't know if you have these types of symptoms when you feel down, but just thought it might be of use.
Thanks for the tips. I don't get achy but I certainly get tired. I will have to try the sea kelp!
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