Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Painting a Week

I used to paint 10 paintings a week when I was selling on ebay, several years ago. Now I am lucky to paint one per week. For about 3 or 4 years, I didn't paint at all because I was just burned out. I am amazed at people who can paint something new every day. That is quite an accomplishment and I think very tough to do. I have to admit I am not to the point where I can whip out a painting at a moment's notice and have it be good. I still have to work at it and even then, it can be a real dud. The best paintings that I have done were really accidents. I just poured paint all over the paper and let it run together at will, then I painted my subject over it.

Here is "My Cat" watercolor and acrylic painting and it really is a painting of my cat!

"My Cat" in my Etsy Store

$52.00 earned- Cashcrate
Join Yuwie and make money social networking- FREE

Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Pomeranian Dog Painting

My friend's daughter got a little Pomeranian mix puppy for her graduation present. It's very cute and inspired this painting of a purebred one. Spring is around the corner and I can't wait. It has been a long dreary winter and I for one will be glad to have the sun shine on my face. Also can't wait for the spring flowers to bloom. I will be taking my camera out to shoot some more pictures and hopefully I will have more great material to paint.

Pomeranian Original Watercolor and Acrylic in my Etsy Store

$46.00 earned- Cashcrate
Join Yuwie and make money social networking- FREE

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Yuwie Pays You to Social Network

I had signed up with Yuwie last Fall but due to other commitments, I did not do much else. Now that I have had some extra time, I went to the site to see what the hoopla was all about. It looks very much like a Myspace page with the main difference being that Yuwie will pay you whenever someone views your profile, blog, your friends, comments and picture pages. Serious money can be made if you have a lot of referrals working under you. Yuwie takes its advertising revenue and splits it among its users unlike Myspace and Facebook.

No doubt, there is quite a bit of work involved to get those page views numbers but I have seen Yuwie checks with sizeable amounts on them so it is possible to earn some serious cash. Yuwie is growing by leaps and bounds and I am sure it will continue to do so now and beyond.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

New Painting for the Month of February

I have been trying to create more artwork and as a result, have not spent too much time on blogging. It seems like time just flies by. I am wondering what happened to all the minutes in the day. There is no time to get everything done. This is the latest painting I have done, titled simply - Grapes.

Watercolor Original Grapes- in my etsy store.